
Services / Body Procedures / Brachioplasty

Is An Arm Lift For You?

Do your sleeves pull and bulge from handfuls of loose skin on your upper arms? It can be a common experience as we age, but it doesn’t have to be yours. Frustratingly, you can spend hours at the gym attempting to tone this area to no avail. Building muscle does not address skin that has lost its elasticity, and may in fact just increase the size of your arms, making them even more noticeable. 

You’re not alone. Sagging arms is a common issue. Perhaps you’ve recently lost a significant amount of weight. Perhaps you’ve inherited an unfortunate family trait. The loss of elasticity that comes with aging skin also plays a big role in sagging arms, regardless of your lifestyle or history. An arm lift reduces this sagging skin, tightens the upper arm’s tissue, and reduces localized fat pockets in the upper arm. Excess skin and fat are strategically removed before the skin is redraped. The result is a newly contoured region.

Brachioplasty Benefits

There are many benefits to getting an arm lift if you commit to a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. An arm lift can take years off the appearance of your body. This is particularly true if your arms have been making you self-conscious for some time now, as your quality of life and self-esteem will get a major boost. Imagine being able to wear sleeveless shirts in the heat of summer, or feeling stunning in a strapless dress.  Slimmer arms also help draw attention to the shoulders and chest, and contribute to an overall slimmer appearance. 

Benefits of Brachioplasty Include:

• Contoured arms that are in better proportion to your body

• Better-fitting clothing

• Increase in activity and self-confidence

• Eradication of fat pockets makes arms feel lighter and increases mobility

• Immediately noticeable and long-lasting results

As with all cosmetic surgeries, the best candidates are those who are prepared to commit to a healthy lifestyle to responsibly maintain their results. Ideally, they should also be committed to a healthy future that includes regular exercise and a sensible diet. They should be at or near their goal weight and have attempted to tone their arms through regular exercise. Those who smoke should quit before and after their arm lift to ensure a rapid healing process. People who struggle with weight fluctuations and have unusual skin elasticity are generally not considered to be good candidates. 

Your sagging skin may have been exercise-resistant, but regular exercise will maintain your hard-earned results. Dr. Lugo will be able to evaluate your candidacy for an arm lift after a review of your medical history and a thorough examination.

Am I a Good Candidate?

The best candidates for body procedures are those with relatively healthy lifestyles that refrain from smoking and are within 30% of their ideal weight. Surgery is not an alternative for living a healthy lifestyle and is not meant to replace diet and exercise. If you’re tired of lacking confidence in your figure and want the best care and results, visit top board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lugo. 

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