Breast Augmentation with Lift in Georgia

Services / Breast Procedures / Breast Augmentation with Lift

The cumulative effects of aging, pregnancy, breast feeding and weight fluctuations can influence the position of the nipple and breast to appear less full and sag. This process is called ptosis. Some women also want to increase the breast size, perkiness or fullness in order to achieve a more youthful and enhanced appearance of the breasts. 

An augmentation mastopexy is a procedure that combines a breast augmentation with a breast lift (mastopexy). The goals of an augmentation mastopexy is to simultaneously adjust two breasts for an implant pocket, create a higher new nipple position, and new areola size, new parenchymal arrangement with symmetry, perfect amount of skin and fat removal with acceptable scars. 

As opposed to patients requiring breast implants for augmentation or requesting mastopexy for ptosis correction, the patient requiring single-stage mastopexy with augmentation is a totally different clinical subgroup. In these types of patients, mastopexy alone will leave them with too small and disproportionate breasts and augmentation alone will result in a larger breast with displeasing ptosis. A patient requiring augmentation mammoplasty alone generally has a hypoplastic breast with normal parameters, but reduced proportion in these cases an implant alone will enhance breast proportionally without disturbing overall interrelationship of individual normal breast parameters. On the other hand, a patient requiring mastopexy with augmentation presents with a relatively larger breast accompanied with ptosis along with deranged inter-relationship of its morphological parameters. An ideal breast surgery in this cohort needs to restore the normal parameters, enhance breast size in moderation and reduce skin envelope without compromising safety or physiological function. 

Breast Surgery FAQs

  • What is breast augmentation and how does it work?

    Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. It is typically done by inserting breast implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia.

  • What are the different types of breast implants available?

    There are two main types of breast implants: saline and silicone. Saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater, while silicone implants are filled with highly cohesive silicone gel. Both types of implants have a silicone outer shell. The new generation of silicone gel implants are all “gummy bear” implants.

  • What is the difference between silicone and saline breast implants?

    Silicone implants tend to feel more natural and are less likely to ripple or wrinkle. Silicone implants feel lighter than saline implants. Saline implants are filled after insertion, which allows for a smaller scar. Saline implants tend to be less expensive than silicone implants.

  • How long does it take to recover from breast augmentation surgery?

    Most patients are able to return to normal activities within a week or two after surgery, but it can take several weeks for swelling and bruising to fully subside. Patients should avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for at least 4-6 weeks after surgery.

  • What is breast lift surgery and how is it performed?

    Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is a procedure to lift and reshape sagging breasts. It is typically done by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue. The nipples areola complex is repositioned and areolas are made smaller. The procedure is done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia.

  • What is the difference between a breast lift and a breast reduction?

    A breast lift and a breast reduction are very similar procedures. Both procedures will lift the breast and in both procedures breast tissue gets removed. The only difference is that more breast tissue gets removed during a breast reduction.

  • Are there any risks or complications associated with breast implant surgery?

    Like any surgical procedure, breast implant surgery carries some risks, such as infection, bleeding, and anesthesia complications. There is also a risk of capsular contracture, which is when scar tissue forms around the implant, causing it to harden and potentially distort the breast shape.

  • Can breast implants affect mammogram results?

    Breast implants can make mammograms more difficult to interpret, but specialized mammography techniques can be used to obtain clear images of the breast tissue. Patients should inform their mammography technician about their implants prior to the procedure.

  • How much does breast plastic surgery typically cost?

    At Lugo Plastic Surgery, we offer personalized consultations to determine an accurate estimate of the cost. A breast augmentation with Dr. Lugo ranges from $6500-$8000, depending on the types of implants used. A breast lift is around $8500 and a breast lift with implants is around $13,000. A breast reduction ranges from $10,000-$12,500.

More FAQs

Am I a Good Candidate?

Many women lose breast volume after weight loss, breastfeeding, and aging. This leaves the breast skin stretched and the breast with a saggy appearance. A traditional breast lift (Mastopexy) is effective at taking away the extra skin, but in many patients, the breast will still have a flat or small appearance after the operation. Adding volume to the breast with a breast implant, in conjunction with tailoring the skin, creates a fuller and perkier appearance.

The ideal candidate is in good physical health and has a stable weight. A candidate’s typical concerns would be breasts that droop or sag, show stretched skin with downward-pointing nipples that rest below the breast crease, in addition to wanting fuller, more shapely breasts. Most importantly, the patient should be self-motivated with realistic expectations of what mastopexy-breast augmentation can achieve.

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